I love this random text generator, you can use the jargon they provide or point it at an RSS feed to produce things like:
Bottom-line subscription are portal a encryption is author each web of. Employee RSS of system take breakdown best access to intranet here’s. Services ROI on bottom-line are web here’s client create video to. Management staff to edit easy manager provide license the control to. Access benefits given intranet each portal are feed provide feed it. Secure encryption most portal of power simple website a administer is. Manage asp easy .NET most license to compose here’s tour simple.
Adjust video simple marketing on power work asp with portals it. Forum administer a compose a user provide manager most polls here’s. Cms adjust of true it sample is video here’s power are. Polls cms to open source a management here’s build take .NET put. Employee asp here’s administer starts to team starts to comprehensive best benefits here’s. Control staff put edit most unlimited a power provide tour provide.
It’s great for confusing colleagues over IM or email.