Two dangers constantly threaten the world: order and disorder.
The beautiful Lockheed L-1649 Super Constellation. I recently discovered this photo gallery with great shots of a TWA Connie at the Airline History Museum. Looking at the interior gave me some design inspiration for my Airstream trailer (particularly this sink, bulkhead and ceiling, and bunk).
I love how one American icon inspires thoughts of another.
The Great Gildersleeve on iTunes
The Great Gildersleeve on iTunes
What does a boy do when he’s grounded from television as a kid? Why, discover old time radio! I’m delighted to see The Great Gildersleeve available as a free podcast (iTunes). Fans can also find the Jack Benny Show and Fibber McGee & Molly nearby.
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
LAT: Ray Kappe’s Landmark House (interactive panorama and photos)
NPS hiking map of Santa Rosa Island (source).